How to : Memory and Power Saving Modes in Google Chrome

google chrome

Google announced in December that memory and power saving modes for Chrome on Mac, Windows, Linux and Chromebooks are now widely adopted. Google’s memory and power saving features are enabled by default and can be turned on and off in Chrome’s Settings > Performance (sidebar).

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Chrome Memory Saver

The Memory Saver “automatically free up space for inactive tabs” to give more resources to other sites and apps on your computer. Inactive pages remain visible in the tab bar and reload as soon as you navigate to them.

google chrome

Chrome’s address bar shows a tab frozen and “starting” with a speedometer icon. Memory saver speeds up Chrome: While this tab was idle, memory saver freed up XXX MB of memory for other tasks. You can change this anytime in Settings.

Chrome lets you manually add pages to the Always keep these sites active list if you run into issues with the Memory Saver, or don`t like waiting for the tab refresh after you`ve been away from a device.\

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Google says “Chrome uses up to 30% less memory” with Memory Saver and that it can be used to “keep your active video and gaming tabs running smoothly.” Chrome Energy Saver Then there`s the Energy Saver where “Chrome conserves battery power by limiting background activity and visual effects.”

This includes animations and smooth scrolling, as well as reduced video frame rates. You might “notice changes in gaming and video performance” when active, while it`s represented by a leaf icon to the right of the Omnibox with the ability to quickly disable.

Besides on/off, there are two options to have it automatically enable:

  • Turn on only when my battery is at 20% or lower
  • Turn on when my computer is unplugged

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