Qt Creator IDE 12 Released

Qt IDE Creator

The Qt Project has officially released Qt Creator 12, marking the latest stable update for the open-source, cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE). This release, coming four months after Qt Creator 11, introduces various new features.

One notable addition is the integration of the Compiler Explorer, a tool by Matt Godbolt. Qt Creator will now interact with Compiler Explorer, allowing users to compile and execute code, generate assembly, and view the results. The Compiler Explorer plugin can be accessed from Tools > Compiler Explorer > Open Compiler Explorer.

Additionally, Qt Creator 12 brings a ScreenRecorder plugin, enabling users to record their screens for bug reports, sharing, blog posts, and more. This plugin can be enabled from Help > About Plugins > ScreenRecorder.

Debugging and profiling for CMake 3.27 and later have been introduced through the Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP). This allows setting breakpoints in project CMake files and debugging CMake’s configuration process. CMake debugging is accessible from Debug > Start Debugging > Start CMake Debugging.

The release enhances the editor for CMake files with new features such as macro support, jumping to function, target, and package definitions, help tooltips, and expanded completion.

Support for LLVM 17.0.1 has been added to Clangd and the Clang analyzer tools, and the Markdown editor now includes buttons for text styles. Proxy support is incorporated into the Copilot integration, and project-specific settings for C++ file naming and documentation comments are introduced. The release also enables automatic detection of PySide installations.

Qt Creator 12 promises improved startup performance on various setups. Users can download Qt Creator 12 from the official website as a source tarball or a universal binary installer suitable for most GNU/Linux distributions.

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